If you need to cancel your iHeartRadio Plus or All Access subscription you can follow the procedure below. Please follow the procedure based on the device you were logged into when you subscribed:
If you signed up through the Google Play Store:
From your Android device
- Launch the Google Play Store app.
- Ensure you are logged into the Google Play account you used to sign up for your iHeartRadio subscription.
- Tap menu and select Subscriptions.
- Tap iHeartRadio and then select Cancel Subscription.
On a desktop / laptop computer
- Go to play.google.com/store/account.
- Ensure you are logged into the Google Play account you used to sign up for your iHeartRadio subscription.
- Find iHeartRadio under Subscriptions.
- Click View.
- On the app page select Cancel.
Please note: If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of your current billing cycle, or at the end of your free trial.
If you signed up for your subscription via the iOS App Store, iHeart.com, your Roku device, or the Amazon App store you can follow the links below:
For more information on canceling a subscription through The Google Play Store you can follow this link.
To read about subscription terms and conditions click here.