Show owners can utilize their podcast dashboard to update their RSS URL!  It's important to note that this feature is only available for podcasts that are already active on iHeartRadio and where ownership has been verified.


Updating RSS Feed

  1. Expand the selected podcast in your dashboard to access the “Manage Podcast” button. 

  2. Click on the “Manage Podcast” button and select the “Update RSS Feed URL” option.

  3. In the “Update RSS Feed URL” screen, enter your new RSS URL in the empty field. Click on the reCaptcha box. And then select the “Verify Podcast RSS”

  4. Once submitted, you’ll need to agree to our Terms and Conditions for the new RSS URL, and then select the “Update RSS URL” button.

  5. Next, you’ll need to verify ownership of the newly submitted RSS feed.

    a. If your iHeartRadio login email matches the owner email in your RSS feed, no further action is required.
    If your iHeartRadio login does not match the owner email in your RSS feed, an email will be sent to the owner email in your RSS feed. Following directions outlined in email to finish ownership verification process.

    Once verified, you’ve completed all steps to update your RSS URL. Just note that it can take up to one hour for the change to process. Once the update processes, the updated RSS information will be reflected in your dashboard.