If you choose to delete your account please keep in mind this is permanent. You will lose all access to your saved stations, podcasts, playlists and preferences.

  • Looking to stop paying? Cancel your Premium plan and still enjoy the app as a free user. How to Cancel Premium Subscription
  • Subscribers who would like to completely delete their iHeart account will first need to cancel their subscription.

Delete Your iHeart Account

  1. Open the iHeart app and tap the gear icon to visit Settings
  2. Tap Account
  3. Tap Manage Account>Delete iHeart account
    Before deleting your account please make sure you cancel any active subscriptions to avoid future billing
  4. Tap Continue with Deleting if you are ready to delete
  5. Tap Continue
  6. Select Delete Account


Note: At this time, the option to delete your account is only available on the latest versions of iOS and Android.  All other users looking to delete their iHeart account must contact customer support directly.